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Supercharge your mortgage broking business with stable & predictable results

Implement a complete customer experience system and end-to-end loan processes

Emerging Mortgage Brokers

We help brokers with under 2 years experience set themselves up for success.

Established Mortgage Brokers

We help brokers with more than 2 years experience take their business to the next level.


We consult with businesses looking to establish or grow their mortgage broking service.

Most mortgage business looks like this:

A broker’s typical day…

So much paperwork
Researching products
Staying up to date on all the policies
Answering emails & calls
Endless meetings
Getting the best deals for your clients

What if you could rely on a system to take all the guesswork out of loan processes and client management?

With the right systems in place, your productivity can skyrocket.

Schedule a Discovery Call

At Broker Coaching,
we help you achieve:

Optimise Processes for Efficiency & Consistency

We share our best-practice processes, systems, and technologies to help you get the most productive workflow. Discover end-to-end loan processes and how to execute exceptional client management.

Get Time Back to Focus on the Tasks that Matters Most

With the right processes, you will be able to delegate, outsource and train up staff more efficiently. Increase your hourly rate and have time to grow your business.

Radical Business Growth through Consistent Referrals

Our complete customer experience system allows you to deliver on promises and provide a high level of service. Retain existing clients and attract new clients.

Wouldn’t you like to have a billion dollar broker as your sounding board?

With Broker Coaching, you’ll receive private access to award winning mortgage broker Paul Wright. Over his illustrious 20 year career, Paul helped over 5000 families and saw his paid settlements reach over $150 million annually.
Paul and his team will guide you on how to set yourself up for success, providing you with his tips and tools for becoming a leader in this industry.

Schedule a Discovery Call

“Paul’s contribution to the mortgage broking community over the past 20 years has been enormous. He’s been an incredible mortgage broker who has always cared greatly for his customers and staff. We are thrilled that Paul is going to remain involved in the industry & be able to assist the MoneyQuest family as he steps into his new mentoring role. We have no doubt that our brokers will benefit immensely from his wisdom and experience.”

Michael Russell – Managing Director, MoneyQuest

How it Works

Schedule a Call

We take the time to understand the current status of your mortgage broking business and your objectives. Let’s discover how we can best help you take your business to the next level.

Implement the System
into Your Business

With our guided coaching, you’ll receive tangible strategies and systems to achieve your goals. We walk alongside you to create and implement your business and action plan.

Get Stable &
Profitable Results

Grow a valuable mortgage broking business that is generating new clients, achieving consistency, and driving retention and referrals.

Broker Coaching Programs

Developed and run by award winning mortgage broker Paul Wright to generate radical growth. Perfect for existing, emerging, or corporate mortgage broking businesses.

One-to-One Coaching

An ongoing coaching partnership to optimise your loan processes and client management systems.

Group Coaching

We guide you through customisable training sessions depending on your business needs.


Expert advice based on our 20 years industry experience. High level strategy, staff training, boosting profits and more.

In our coaching and consultancy you will gain tools,
templates and tips for a wide range of topics:

End-to-end loan process

Lead generation


Client management


Leadership and more…

Program format:

1-3 hour training sessions

Q&A and accountability sessions

Online or in-person delivery

Download our

Take the guesswork out of client relationships.

Implement a proven system and enjoy the benefits of happy customers.